
I am Paul Kinlan.

A Developer Advocate for Chrome and the Open Web at Google.

I love the web. The web should allow anyone to access any experience that they need without the need for native install or content walled garden.

How I edit my blogs

Paul Kinlan

A little bit about how I edit my blog: It's Hugo, on Vercel with a custom editor I built.

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20 years blogging

Paul Kinlan

Wow! Just realized I've been blogging for over 20 years, starting way back in August 2004 on kinlan.co.uk with Blogger. The journey has taken me through Posterous and landed me here on paul.kinlan.me with Hugo (and maybe Jekyll at some point). Sure, there's some cringe-worthy stuff in the archives, but it's my history. And honestly, I wouldn't be where I am today without this little corner of the internet. Huge thanks to Tim Berners-Lee and everyone who's made the web what it is!

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Goodbye HTML5Rocks

Paul Kinlan

HTML5Rocks, a beloved resource for web developers, is shutting down. This post reflects on the site's history, its impact, and the reasons behind its decline. Key factors include the shift away from "HTML5" as a buzzword, changing team priorities, lack of a focused content plan, and challenges with community management. Despite the shutdown, the author expresses gratitude for the experience and the connections made, highlighting the lessons learned about content creation, developer engagement, and the open-source community.

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A simple video insertion tool for EditorJS

Paul Kinlan

I've created a simple video plugin for EditorJS, called simple-video, to easily embed videos. It's based on the simple-image plugin and allows for autoplay, mute, and control options. Check out the npm package and GitHub repo for more details!

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Paul Kinlan

I've added Webmention support to my blog! I'm excited about Webmentions because they allow decentralized commenting and reactions, unlike Disqus which I'm looking to remove. Sending webmentions involves two parts: the sender and the receiver. I used Remy Sharp's webmention.app tool to simplify the sending process. Integrating it into my Zeit/Hugo blog was super easy - I just installed the package and added a call to the CLI in my build script. Now, whenever I publish a post, it automatically pings any URLs I've linked to.

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testing block image upload

Paul Kinlan

I successfully tested the image upload feature, evidenced by the accompanying image. If you see this post and the image, my test was successful!

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Translating a blog using Google Cloud Translate and Hugo

Paul Kinlan

Inspired by a recent trip to India and the emphasis on local language content, I developed a script to translate my Hugo-based blog using Google Cloud Translate. This script processes markdown files, handles code blocks and pull quotes, and outputs translated versions, expanding the potential reach of my content to non-English speakers. While machine translation isn't perfect, the goal is to improve content discoverability and accessibility for a wider audience. I'll share results as data becomes available.

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Goodbye Jekyll, Hello Hugo

Paul Kinlan

Ruby frustrations and performance have frustrated me for a long time. Experimented with Hugo and ported blog in about 3 hours

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Auto-deploying Jekyll via Github

Paul Kinlan

This post announces the implementation of automatic deployment for this blog, powered by Jekyll (Octopress) and GitHub WebHooks. The previous workflow involved local editing, committing to GitHub, and deploying via SSH using rake deploy. The new process leverages GitHub WebHooks and a modified version of Github-Auto-Deploy to automatically pull, build, and deploy changes upon pushing to the GitHub repository, simplifying the deployment process and eliminating the need for terminal access and SSH keys.

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Test post for a Buzz based Blog Commenting system

Paul Kinlan

I'm excited to introduce "commently," a simple Buzz-based commenting system for blogs and websites. It synchronizes with your Buzz feed, allowing you to easily embed comments. Just replace the placeholders in the provided javascript snippet with your Buzz username and the URL-encoded title of your blog post, and customize the handler function to display the comments on your site. Check out this post for a quick "Getting Started" guide.

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Moving Blog

Paul Kinlan

I'm moving my blog from Blogger to Wordpress! While I've used Blogger for years, it no longer meets my needs. This blog will remain online but the new blog, covering broader software development topics (not just C#), is where I'll focus my writing. Find it at http://www.kinlan.co.uk/blog/ .

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Looking for some people to help test new features of Topicala

Paul Kinlan

I'm developing a Digg-like platform called Topicala to help smaller blogs gain more visibility. I'm looking for beta testers with small blogs to try out the new features. If you're interested, please email me at paul.kinlan@gmail.com or leave a comment on this post.

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Technorati Claim Fix, Please Ignore

Paul Kinlan

This blog post is a quick fix for my Technorati claim. Click the link to verify my Technorati profile.

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Technorati, Rubbish!

Paul Kinlan

I'm incredibly frustrated with Technorati! It's not updating my blog's information despite numerous ping updates and support emails. This is really impacting my blog's visibility.

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Windows Live Writer Plugin Development Question

Paul Kinlan

I'm developing a Windows Live Writer plugin using the SmartContentSource class and encountering an issue retrieving the blog post's text. While I can manipulate SmartContent objects within the plugin's sidebar, neither the SmartContent object nor the ISmartContentEditorSite interface provides access to the text, hindering the potential for plugin development. I'm seeking assistance on how to access the blog post text within the plugin context.

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Call Me Stupid

Paul Kinlan

I'm struggling to create a C# plugin for Windows Live Writer. Even a simple "Hello World" plugin isn't showing up in the available plugins list, despite the documentation and example seeming straightforward. The example code compiles and works fine, but my copied version doesn't. I'm completely stumped and wondering if there are any logs I can check for Windows Live Writer.

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If you seem a strange post in your blog, it may be Windows Live Writer

Paul Kinlan

Strange posts like "Temporary Post Used For Style Detection" are appearing in blogs. This is due to Windows Live Writer, which uses these temporary posts to detect the blog's style for accurate "in-style" editing. These posts are quickly indexed by Google Blog Search, highlighting the search engine's speed.

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Windows Live Writer

Paul Kinlan

I'm trying out Windows Live Writer and so far, I'm impressed! It renders my blog's styling correctly while I'm writing, seems pretty fast, and has a bunch of built-in features similar to other blogging tools. Plus, it's extendable via an SDK, which I'm excited to explore. I'm also going to check out the plugins and share more thoughts soon.

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Removed my feed from Squeet

Paul Kinlan

I've taken my feed off Squeet due to repeated updates to old posts, which wasn't very useful given the low subscriber count. This change should prevent further issues.

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Paul Kinlan

A test post exploring comments and other features.

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I am still not happy with the style of this site

Paul Kinlan

I'm going through a phase where I dislike my website's style and plan to redesign it when I have time. I've created a potential logo using vector graphics software and would love feedback. P.S. I'm much happier with the site's look now!

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Testing From Microsoft Word 2007

Paul Kinlan

Just tested the blogging feature from Microsoft Word 2007 and it's pretty cool if it works as expected. I'm loving the new interfaces for Excel, Word, and PowerPoint, especially the ribbon. Visio, however, seems a bit stale. Smart Art looks promising, like CSS taken to the next level. I might just switch to Word 2007 for good!

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Blogger Introduces RSS 2.0 Without telling anyone it seems

Paul Kinlan

Blogger has quietly rolled out RSS 2.0 support, which I discovered via reports and confirmed by IE7. Time to clean up my feeds!

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I wish I could easily move away from blogger

Paul Kinlan

I'm incredibly frustrated with Blogger's lack of updates, inconsistent publishing, and inflexibility. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable blogging platform.

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A new .Net Blogger

Paul Kinlan

My friend, Paul Pierce, has started a new blog! He plans to cover various topics, including .Net. He's already got a helpful post up about using NMock 2. I encourage you to check it out, it is very good - possibly even better than mine. Visit his blog here: http://www.paulpierce.co.uk

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C# Trackback, Part 1

Paul Kinlan

In this first part of my series on C# Trackback implementation, I delve into the Trackback Ping functionality, providing a comprehensive code explanation. While I remain unconvinced about the overall effectiveness of Trackbacks, exploring the implementation in C# has been an interesting coding exercise.

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Will Blogger Integrate with GData

Paul Kinlan

Google's new data protocol, GData, has me wondering about the future of Blogger. Will Blogger integrate with GData? Blogger already uses Atom, so will that make integration easier? Or will Blogger's slow pace of development prevent them from adopting GData anytime soon? I'm skeptical.

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AJAX Tagger

Paul Kinlan

I've created a new tool, AJAX Tagger, to help bloggers enhance their posts. It leverages AJAX to dynamically suggest related articles, topical tags, encyclopedia definitions, and images. It even integrates with your affiliate programs to recommend relevant products. Check it out and let me know what you think!

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Feedburner Are Quick

Paul Kinlan

I contacted Feedburner support about a full text feed issue, and received a helpful and quick response within 10 minutes. They explained that feeds are limited to 256k and suggested reducing the number of posts or post size to stay within the limit. I am very impressed by their responsiveness to public feedback.

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Feedburner update

Paul Kinlan

I've updated my site's settings to display fewer posts on the homepage, resolving a recent issue I was having with Feedburner.

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I think I might move my blog away from Feedburner

Paul Kinlan

My Feedburner full text feed is currently broken and I'm unable to identify the source of the problem. This has led me to consider moving my blog away from Feedburner.

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I wish that Blogger had....

Paul Kinlan

I need a global search and replace function in Blogger so I can easily update content across all 300 pages of my blog. Currently, I have to manually edit each page, which is time-consuming.

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AtariBoy; Thanks for the link

Paul Kinlan

I wanted to express my gratitude to Atariboy for the kind words and link he shared on his blog. I'm encouraged to keep up with my own blog posting schedule.

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Google Search: why use sealed classes?

Paul Kinlan

I had a comprehensive blog post on sealed classes and their benefits within Google Search, but unfortunately, it was lost. I plan to rewrite it soon.

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Coding Horror

Paul Kinlan

I love Coding Horror and want to emulate its crisp, clean design on my own blog. My current design is bloated, slow, and hard to read. I plan to back up my template and experiment with a simpler layout next week.

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Openseach and IE7 Beta 2 update

Paul Kinlan

I've updated my Opensearch implementation based on feedback from Michael Fagan. Changes include correcting the short name length, fixing capitalization issues, and adding an RSS search URL using Google Blog Search. Unfortunately, full A9.com integration isn't possible because the search engine isn't on my domain. While proxying results is an option, I feel that would be unfair to Google.

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Google Search and IE 7 Search Provider

Paul Kinlan

I've added a custom search provider to my blog using Google Search for Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 users. It lets you easily search my site's content. The provider is set up using an OpenSearch XML file linked in each page's header. Not sure about Google's terms on this, so I'll remove it if there's an issue. Hopefully, this example helps others implement search providers.

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Simple List Extensions

Paul Kinlan

I'm exploring Microsoft's Simple List Extensions for RSS and looking for real-world examples of their implementation. I'm particularly interested in seeing how these extensions can be effectively utilized and would appreciate any insights or examples.

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Business Blogging

Paul Kinlan

Robert Scoble's new book on business blogging emphasizes building meaningful customer relationships through online dialogue. It argues that blogs humanize corporate communication, leading to improved brand image and profitability. The book includes case studies and interviews with business leaders like Mark Cuban, Bob Lutz, and Jonathan Schwartz, demonstrating blogging's impact on communication and competition. It also provides tools and strategies for businesses to effectively connect with customers by leveraging blogs' rapid information dissemination and encouraging active reader participation.

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Paul Kinlan

Quick update: Things have been hectic with my house move, so blogging has taken a backseat. Not sure when I'll be back on a regular schedule.

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Ebay API... Can't really think of much.

Paul Kinlan

I was excited about the eBay API becoming free, hoping to build programs around it. However, I'm struggling to find a compelling project idea. Integrating it into my blog isn't feasible due to eBay's dynamic nature, and static integration wouldn't benefit my SEO. A potential idea is an AJAX interface for the Amazon books I feature, but my lack of commission potential is demotivating. My programs usually serve my needs first, like my AJAX Tagger, which helps me provide more info to readers. If I come up with any good eBay API ideas, I'll share them here.

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A Feature I Would Love to See Blogger Have

Paul Kinlan

I'd really like a feature in Blogger that lets me customize what's shown on the main blog page versus the individual post page. Something like custom tags, maybe <itempage></itempage>, that would let me control the content displayed in each view.

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Google sending me c# searches.

Paul Kinlan

Seeing increased C# searches in my blog logs. Visitors might appreciate the lack of C# content here, so I'll start addressing C# topics.

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Google Adsense

Paul Kinlan

I've just added a Google AdSense referral link to my blog! Google recently updated AdSense, including their terms and conditions. While I spotted mentions of "Feeds" and "Referrals" in the new terms, I haven't yet seen Feed Advertising in action. If you're interested in monetizing your blog, give AdSense a try!

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RE: Blogniscient v. Memeorandum

Paul Kinlan

I tried out Blogniscient and Memeorandum, the automated blog news organizers, but I'm not impressed. The main reason? I can't even spell their names correctly when I want to visit their sites!

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I've taken Adverts of my site in all places apart from the Entry

Paul Kinlan

I've removed Google AdSense ads from my site's main page due to poor visibility and ineffectiveness. I've relocated them to a spot just before the comment section within articles. Hoping this placement change will improve their performance!

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Finally Got Blogger BackLinks Working

Paul Kinlan

I've successfully implemented backlinks on my Blogger blog, thanks to a helpful article on browservulsel.blogspot.com. Check it out if you're looking to add backlinks to your own Blogger blog.

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Googles Blog Search is FAST at indexing

Paul Kinlan

Wow! Google Blog Search indexed my latest post in just minutes! I was amazed by how fast it appeared in the search results after uploading. I'm curious if other search engines are this quick. Technorati is fast, but I have to ping them. With Google, it just worked automatically. Big kudos to Google and possibly Blogger for the seamless integration!

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Little problem with my Atom Feed

Paul Kinlan

My Atom feed was truncating the description text, making it look odd. I've fixed the problem and hope it didn't affect my readers too much.

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Related Images is now in Ajax Tagger 2

Paul Kinlan

I've just released version 2 of AJAX Tagger, and it now includes a Related Images feature! It pulls images from Flickr that you can easily insert into your blog posts. While it works great, be aware that downloading many images might be slow in Internet Explorer due to its concurrent request limit. I believe this is a fantastic addition and can significantly boost traffic to your blog, especially considering images are known to attract readers.

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Tags and Tagging

Paul Kinlan

I've been pondering the use of tags lately, and noticed a lack of diversity in tagging practices. Many use tags for blog promotion or linking related content. I favor the latter, as it aids in content discovery. However, popular tags on sites like Technorati are often too broad (e.g., "books","blogs") making them less useful for finding niche communities. I propose using more specific sub-tags alongside broader ones. For example, if blogging about Asimov's Foundation series, include both "Asimov" and "Foundation Series" as tags. Tools like my Ajax Tagger and tagyu.com can help suggest relevant tags. I encourage everyone to use a wider range of tags to enrich the tag space and improve content discoverability.

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Paul Kinlan

I often disagree with Jacob Neilson's views on usability, but his recent article on blog usability is spot on. I plan to implement several of his suggestions, especially adding a personal photo to my blog.

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Why I don't like Blogger BackLinks

Paul Kinlan

I'm disappointed with Blogger BackLinks. I thought they'd automatically pull in links to my posts from Google Blog Search, but they don't. Users have to manually add them, which isn't ideal. I plan to create a version that automatically queries Google Blog Search and updates my page with backlinks from there.

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Hypothetically Speaking

Paul Kinlan

This blog post asks readers for their opinion on including event announcements related to blog post topics. For example, if a post is about Apple Macs, I wonder if readers would like to know about Mac Expos. Similarly, for a post about World War 2, it asks if announcing related events like commemoration days would be useful. Readers are invited to share their thoughts in the comments or via email.

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A Backtrack!

Paul Kinlan

My recent blog posts seem to be using trackback links automatically. Apologies to Blogger for the unintended behavior, however, I maintain my earlier criticism regarding the insufficient documentation provided for this newly launched feature.

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AJAX Tagger 2 Question

Paul Kinlan

I'm developing a complex new version of the AJAX Tagger (2.0) with enhanced features for adding data to journal entries. However, I'm curious if there's still interest in a simpler version like the original AJAX Tagger. Please share your thoughts and comments!

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Ping Goat is Experiencing Problems with Technorati

Paul Kinlan

My blog, Ping Goat, is having trouble getting indexed by Technorati, similar to the issues I've faced with Tagger.com. It seems Technorati might remove blogs from their index if their crawler encounters unresponsive parts of a site. I'm unsure how to resolve this besides raising the issue publicly, as their email support is very slow or non-existent.

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Someone is beating me to it

Paul Kinlan

I found a cool tagging website, Tagyu, that suggests tags based on other people's discussions. I'm working on my own version, which I believe will be even better when it's finished!

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Update Status of AJAX Tagger 2

Paul Kinlan

Quick update on the AJAX Tagger 2 development. Priority queues are working well, but might need some tweaking on queue numbers and polling intervals. Querying Technorati for tag counts is proving slow (around 2 seconds per query). Any tips on speeding this up, perhaps by limiting the number of blogs returned? Currently working on improving the related documents results, which now includes counts for all selected tags, not just the last search. Need to refine this area. More updates to come!

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AJAX Tagger Question

Paul Kinlan

I'm looking for user feedback on the next version of the AJAX Tagger. Specifically, I'd like to know if users would prefer to have the option of placing Technorati tags inline with the blog post content, or if they prefer the current method of listing them at the end. Inline placement could be problematic because the Yahoo Term Extraction API sometimes uses phrases not found in the post itself.

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AJAX Tagger Second Question

Paul Kinlan

I'm developing the next version of the AJAX Tagger and need your input! Currently, it enhances blog posts by linking to related blogs on Technorati. For the next version, I'm wondering if you'd prefer it to link to other sources like IceRocket or even Wikipedia. Let me know where you'd find automatic tag links most valuable.

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Start.com, Still that minor issue exists

Paul Kinlan

I'm still waiting for a response from Start.com regarding my UI improvement suggestion. Even though Robert Scoble mentioned their quick response to feedback, I haven't heard anything about my suggestion to improve the functionality of the close ("x") button on content panes. I've sent an email and even blogged about it, but no luck so far. Hopefully, they'll address it soon!

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I am just testing to see if how well w.Bloggar works

Paul Kinlan

Testing out w.Bloggar and RSS Bandit integration for automated blog post commenting. Excited about the potential!

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OPML. Nope I still don't get it

Paul Kinlan

I'm still confused about OPML. I know it's for sharing blog subscriptions, but I don't see the practical benefit for me or my readers. Even after checking resources and looking for OPML enthusiasts like Robert Scoble and Dave Winer, I'm still lost. Technorati's Blog Finder wasn't much help either. Wikipedia had the best explanation, but I still need to figure out how to actually use OPML.

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The Failures of my First AJAX application: Part 5

Paul Kinlan

This is the fifth installment in my series on the AJAXTagger's failures. A major issue is its lack of intuitiveness. Users couldn't understand its purpose or how to use it without a demo. While it significantly reduced my tagging time, the next version needs improvements. I'm looking for feedback on how to make it more user-friendly, including better visual cues, a clearer UI, and improved documentation. Email me or comment with your suggestions!

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The Failures of my First AJAX application: Part 6

Paul Kinlan

This is the sixth part of my series on the failures of my first AJAX application, AJAXTagger. While I initially hoped it would be useful for everyone, it mainly ended up benefiting just me by simplifying the tagging process for my blog posts. Although it didn't meet my initial grand expectations, it was a valuable learning experience. The next version will prioritize my needs but also consider features that could benefit other users, ultimately adding value for my readers.

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OPML and BBC Radio 4

Paul Kinlan

I was listening to a BBC Radio 4 program about blogging, and a guest pointed out that US/European bloggers link to others more than UK bloggers. Inspired by this, I'm going to upload an OPML file so people can see the feeds I read. I'm starting to understand OPML's use in RSS feeds and online journals, planning to categorize my feeds. I'm also thinking of adding a section to my site for linking to interesting articles I find in those feeds, with my own comments.

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Another Thing I just noticed

Paul Kinlan

My Technorati ranking has finally improved thanks to an incoming link from another blogger! Feeling grateful and a little guilty after past criticism of the service.

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Bloggers Spelling Suggestion of Technorati

Paul Kinlan

While spell-checking my latest blog post, Blogger suggested "Degenerate" as a correction for "Technorati." I found this amusing, given the generally poor quality of Blogger's spell-check. It doesn't even recognize words like "blog" or British English spellings. At least it keeps things interesting!

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Just Looking at my Logs

Paul Kinlan

I checked my website logs using AWStats and noticed a few searches from Google and MSN, but none from Yahoo. One search caught my attention: "does blogging make money." I tried searching this phrase on both Google and MSN but couldn't find my blog post within the first 15 pages of results. If the person who searched for this and found my blog is reading this, I'd love to know how they found me! And to answer the question, no, blogging doesn't make me money (yet!).

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Technorati, boooooo [Part 3]

Paul Kinlan

I'm continuing my rant about Technorati. While my posts eventually get indexed, I agree with Zoli Erdos's point about their terrible communication. Technorati desperately needs better customer support, including a FAQ or knowledge base. Emailing the CEO shouldn't be the only way to get a response. While I appreciate Technorati's free service and API, the lack of support is a major problem.

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Technorati, Booooooo [Part 2]

Paul Kinlan

In this follow-up post, I want to clarify the issue I had with Technorati. While some of the search results I was looking for are now appearing, my main concern remains the lack of communication from Technorati Support. A simple email explaining the situation, such as a blacklisting, a temporary problem, or an indexing issue due to site downtime, would have been sufficient. Despite this, I still appreciate Technorati.

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Paul Kinlan

Technorati is experiencing performance issues and support backlogs, impacting users like myself. Despite sending a support request weeks ago, I haven't received a response. While I appreciate Technorati's free service and its positive impact on my blog's readership, they need to address these support issues. I'll continue using the platform regardless.

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The Failures of my first AJAX Application: Part 1

Paul Kinlan

This post discusses the shortcomings of my first AJAX application. While it successfully implemented Technorati tags, it failed to provide related search functionality, which I believe is crucial for offering readers valuable external resources and further learning opportunities. I aim to address this in the next version by incorporating related searches via Yahoo's API and relevant quick links, enhancing the overall user experience and educational value of my blog.

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Comming up to a round number

Paul Kinlan

I'm about to hit 100 posts! I also realized I forgot to post my Perl request forwarding scripts as promised, so I'll do that tonight. I'll also start discussing the issues with my first AJAX application.

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OPML, What is the point?

Paul Kinlan

I'm exploring OPML and trying to understand its purpose and potential uses. I've come across mentions of it by Robert Scoble, who suggests it could connect various forms of media like podcasts and photo-sharing. However, I'm struggling to grasp how this would work in practice. I'm also looking into resources from Dave Winer and others to learn more. I'd appreciate any helpful links or information on OPML.

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The Successes of my first AJAX Application: Part 9

Paul Kinlan

In this installment, I reflect on the limitations of Blogger.com as a blogging platform. Despite its user-friendliness, several features fall short of my needs. The "Blogger For Microsoft Word" integration isn't particularly helpful, the WYSIWYG editor is inconsistent, and the available tags seem outdated. I crave more innovation, especially regarding feed customization and ping configuration. While AudioBlogging.com intrigues me, its practicality for someone in the UK is questionable. Ultimately, I desire greater control and configurability, but acknowledge Blogger's value as a free service.

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I really like parts of the design of this blog

Paul Kinlan

I'm considering redesigning my blog and like the single-post focus of penandthink.com/niggle. However, my blog has frequent posts, so I'm unsure if that style would work. I'm asking readers whether they prefer a blog with a single featured post or a list of recent posts (like my current design showing the last 30). Feedback can be sent to paul.kinlan@gmail.com.

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The Successes of my first AJAX Application: Part 6 - Improving my Grammar

Paul Kinlan

I'm aware my writing isn't great - my vocabulary, punctuation, and grammar could all use improvement. Even though I'm using Word to help, I know I need to do more. I'm considering getting "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" to brush up on my grammar. I want this blog to remain personal, but I also want it to be more readable. So, my goals are to learn about commas, semicolons, sentence structure, and paragraph structure.

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The Successes of my first AJAX Application: Part 6 - Introduction

Paul Kinlan

This blog post, the sixth in my "Successes and Failures of my First AJAX Application" series, discusses how my blogging style is evolving. I'm focusing on improving my grammar, the topics I cover, post length, and what I include in my blogs. This self-reflection aims to improve how I communicate with my readers. More details on each area are available via the provided links.

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The Successes of my first AJAX Application: Part 6 - The Length of the Entries

Paul Kinlan

This blog post discusses the ideal length of blog entries. It argues that both too short and too long posts can be detrimental to a blog's success. Short posts can appear superficial, while overly long ones can bore readers. The author aims for a balance, using shorter entries for critiques and longer, focused articles for more in-depth topics. This particular post, part of a series on the author's first AJAX application, exemplifies this approach by being broken down into smaller, manageable segments.

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The Successes of my first AJAX Application: Part 6 - The things I talk about

Paul Kinlan

I've been reflecting on the direction of my blog, "C#, .Net Framework." I feel the name is too limiting, given my recent posts on topics like IE7, AJAX, Firefox, and XMLHttpRequest. I plan to broaden the scope while keeping the content technical. I also want to increase reader interaction, possibly by crowdsourcing a new name for the blog.

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The Successes of my first AJAX Application: Part 6 - What I include in my Blogs

Paul Kinlan

This blog post discusses the importance of balancing valuable content with helpful features. I currently offer content and features like Technorati tags, and plan to bring back related searches. The AJAX application I built helps create this value-added data, which I believe is key for reader engagement. I'm considering adding more data like citations and related searches, but I'm cautious about information overload. Maintaining these value-added sections is challenging (except for the now-easy Technorati tags). I'd love to hear your suggestions for other valuable data to include!

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The Successes of my first AJAX Application: Part 7

Paul Kinlan

In this part of my series on my first AJAX application, the Technorati Tag Generator, I discuss its success in streamlining my blogging process. The generator significantly reduces the time I spend creating Technorati tags, saving me roughly 50 minutes per post. While I'm thrilled with this improvement, the current version lacks the Feedster and MSN search boxes present in my initial design. I plan to reintroduce these features in the next version, along with related search previews, to enhance the value and usability of my application. User feedback has highlighted the importance of these features, and their inclusion is crucial to achieving my goals for the project.

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Want to make money blogging

Paul Kinlan

Making money blogging seems to require blogging about making money blogging! Darren Rowse of problogger.net reportedly earns a six-figure monthly salary from blogging. He offers advice on site design and content. While inspiring, I'll likely stick to my day job.

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Cool Technorati API Update

Paul Kinlan

I'm excited about Technorati's new REST API for blog post tags! It lets developers display all the tags used on a site, which is super helpful. I've even created a simple tool using the API to show all the tags I've used on my site: http://www.kinlan.co.uk/cgi-bin/SiteInfo.pl. The API is easy to use and provides useful stats. I'm already thinking about how to incorporate it into my next project. Great work, Technorati!

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Blogger Tool First Post

Paul Kinlan

My first post using the new Blogger Word Blogging tool! It's easy to use and publishes really fast. I'm curious about HTML control since my AJAX tool outputs HTML. A few quirks: smiley icons show as "(", apostrophes look odd, and images/tables aren't supported. Planning a follow-up post with my feature requests.

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Bloggers New Tool

Paul Kinlan

Blogger has released a new plugin for Microsoft Word called "Word Blogger" (or "Worger" as I'm calling it!). It allows direct posting of Word docs to blogs. I'm excited to try it out and see if it maintains formatting. This release is timely; I've been frustrated with the current WSIWYG editor and its limitations.

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The Successes of my first AJAX Application: Part 3

Paul Kinlan

In this third part of my series on my first AJAX application, I'm diving into the power of the Yahoo! API. It's been a learning experience, and I'm incredibly impressed with how much it offers compared to Google's. I've been exploring the Term Extraction and Related Searches APIs, and I'm starting to think about how to use the Contextual Search API. The Term Extraction API is great for pulling out keywords, while the Related Searches API helps me find relevant search queries. My app combines these to analyze blog posts and generate related searches. I'm hoping to use the Contextual Search API to add targeted search results. Future versions will incorporate more APIs, possibly from Technorati, to enhance functionality. Stay tuned!

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What is Scoble Talking about? [Not an attack or anything]

Paul Kinlan

Robert Scoble's recent blog post mentions the increasing number of blogs and photo-sharing sites, questioning how people can keep up with all of it, especially within large families. I'm interpreting this as a hint towards a new, private social blogging tool designed for families to share updates, events, and other information. This tool could potentially aggregate family blogs, prioritize certain members' posts (like the head of the family), and allow for filtered viewing (e.g., kids only seeing other kids' posts). It could even facilitate conversations between family members through blog referencing. I'm curious if such a tool exists or has been attempted before, and welcome any thoughts or insights on this idea.

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It appears to be the case

Paul Kinlan

My Technorati URLs appear to have been incorrectly formatted, causing parsing issues.

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Is there a minor problem with the way technorati parses URLs

Paul Kinlan

I noticed a lack of referrals from Technorati and discovered my blogs weren't showing up in tag searches. The problem stemmed from my Technorati AJAX application, which was using single quotes instead of double quotes around the href attribute in the tag links. I've corrected the issue by changing the single quotes to double quotes in my application, and hopefully, this will resolve the problem with Technorati. While my application is now fixed, it raises the question of whether Technorati should be able to handle both single and double quotes.

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Question to BlogExplosion Users

Paul Kinlan

I'm curious if my BlogExplosion traffic is genuinely interested in my content. If you found my blog through BlogExplosion, would you still visit if you'd discovered it elsewhere? If not, I'd love to understand why. Your feedback helps me determine if my content resonates with readers or if it's simply unread traffic. Email me your thoughts!

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Note To Self. Learn to read the title of the blog

Paul Kinlan

I made a typo in the title of my blog post! It should have been "A good test to check out the alpha transparency and I missed it!" instead of "I good test...". Oh well, at least the alpha transparency test worked!

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Response to Comment From Rafer

Paul Kinlan

Thanks to Scott Rafer for the comment! I'm experimenting with providing topic search results rather than keyword searches to offer broader perspectives on a topic. RSS feeds are there because I like staying up-to-date, sort of like a personalized PubSub. I'm open to change though, so I'll experiment with adding color-coded boxes at the bottom of each post linking to Technorati tags, Feedster, and MSN Search results, all related to the post's topic to avoid tag spam.

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Experimemnting with Blog

Paul Kinlan

I'm trying to increase readership for my blog. I'm adding links to Technorati Tag RSS feeds at the end of each post, hoping it'll connect readers with others interested in similar topics.

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Looks like I can't update the old account anymore, so looks like I am staying here

Paul Kinlan

It appears I'm unable to update my old account. Consequently, I'll be maintaining my presence here.

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First Post

Paul Kinlan

A quick test post to check if everything's working. Planning to share learnings about C#, C# 2.0, and .NET Framework soon.

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