
I am Paul Kinlan.

I lead the Chrome and the Open Web Developer Relations team at Google.

Airhorner with added Web USB🔗

Reading time: 2 minutes

This new year Andre Bandarra left me a little surprise on my desk: A physical airhorner built with Web USB!

Check it out, well actually it will be hard, Andre created a small sketch for an Arduino Uno that connects over USB that is not yet available, however the code on the site is rather neat and not too complex if you are experienced with any form of USB programming.

Andre's code connects to the device and waits for the user to approve, configures the connection, and then continuously reads from the device looking for the string 'ON' (which is a flag that is set when the button is pressed).

const HardwareButton = function(airhorn) {
  this.airhorn = airhorn;
  this.decoder = new TextDecoder();
  this.connected = false;
  const self = this;
  this._loopRead = async function() {
    if (!this.device) {
      console.log('no device');

    try {
      const result = await this.device.transferIn(2, 64);
      const command = this.decoder.decode(result.data);
      if (command.trim() === 'ON') {
        airhorn.start({loop: true});
      } else {
    } catch (e) {
      console.log('Error reading data', e);

  this.connect = async function() {
    try {
      const device = await navigator.usb.requestDevice({
        filters: [{'vendorId': 0x2341, 'productId': 0x8057}]
      this.device = device;
      await device.open();
      await device.selectConfiguration(1);
      await device.claimInterface(0);
      await device.selectAlternateInterface(0, 0);
      await device.controlTransferOut({
        'requestType': 'class',
        'recipient': 'interface',
        'request': 0x22,
        'value': 0x01,
        'index': 0x00,
    } catch (e) {
      console.log('Failed to Connect: ', e);

  this.disconnect = async function() {
    if (!this.device) {

    await this.device.controlTransferOut({
      'requestType': 'class',
      'recipient': 'interface',
      'request': 0x22,
      'value': 0x00,
      'index': 0x00,
    await this.device.close();
    this.device = null;

  this.init = function() {
    const buttonDiv = document.querySelector('#connect');
    const button = buttonDiv.querySelector('button');
    button.addEventListener('click', this.connect.bind(this));
    button.addEventListener('touchend', this.connect.bind(this));
    if (navigator.usb) {


If you are interested in what the Arduino side of things looks like, Andre will release the code soon, but it's directly inspired by the WebUSB examples for Arduino.

I lead the Chrome Developer Relations team at Google.

We want people to have the best experience possible on the web without having to install a native app or produce content in a walled garden.

Our team tries to make it easier for developers to build on the web by supporting every Chrome release, creating great content to support developers on web.dev, contributing to MDN, helping to improve browser compatibility, and some of the best developer tools like Lighthouse, Workbox, Squoosh to name just a few.

I love to learn about what you are building, and how I can help with Chrome or Web development in general, so if you want to chat with me directly, please feel free to book a consultation.

I'm trialing a newsletter, you can subscribe below (thank you!)

Matsushima, Miyagi

Reading time: 1 minute

Matsushima, Miyagi is a beautiful seaside town an hour from Sendai. Famous for its fresh oysters, islands, and red bridges, it's a charming place to visit. While the 2011 tsunami impacted the area, the town has recovered remarkably well. I found the quiet, cold atmosphere when I went added to its appeal. Read More

Yamadera, Yamagata

Reading time: 1 minute

I took a day trip to the 1000-year-old Yamadera Temple in Yamagata, Japan. The climb to the top wasn't too difficult and offered breathtaking views of the valley. It was a quiet day with few other visitors, unlike busier weekends and holidays. The oldest building there is around 400 years old. Read More

Modern Mobile Bookmarklets with the ShareTarget API

Reading time: 3 minutes

Mobile devices lack the bookmarklet functionality found in desktop browsers. However, the ShareTarget API offers a potential workaround. This API allows web apps to be installed and receive native share actions, similar to how the Twitter PWA handles shared links and files. By leveraging this API, developers can create mini-apps that perform actions on shared data. This approach involves defining how to receive data in a manifest file and handling the request in a service worker. I've created examples for Hacker News, Reddit, and LinkedIn demonstrating how to utilize the ShareTarget API. While not a perfect replacement for desktop bookmarklets, this offers a new level of hackability for mobile web experiences. Read More

Pixel 4XL Infrared sensor via getUserMedia

Reading time: 1 minute

The Pixel 4 XL's infrared camera, used for face detection, can be accessed through the standard getUserMedia API. A live demo showcasing this can be found at the provided link. Using the IR camera via getUserMedia blocks the phone's face unlock feature. This post invites readers to brainstorm potential applications of user-accessible infrared camera capabilities. An update mentions Francois Beafort's contribution to Blink, adding 'infrared' to the camera name if the device supports it, making camera identification more convenient. Read More

Sunset over Tokyo from Shibuya

Reading time: 1 minute

Snapped a quick pic of a stunning Tokyo sunset from my Shibuya office window. Read More

Harlech Castle

Reading time: 1 minute

Had a wonderful time exploring the magnificent Harlech Castle in North Wales with my kids. The castle is well-preserved and steeped in history, perched atop a hill with breathtaking views of Snowdonia and the Irish Sea. Unlike my previous visit to Carlisle Castle, this trip was purely focused on enjoying the stunning scenery. Read More

Puppeteer Go🔗

Reading time: 2 minutes

I love Puppeteer - it lets me play around with the ideas of The Headless Web - that is running the web in a browser without a visible browser and even build tools like DOM-curl (Curl that runs JavaScript). Specifically I love scripting the browser to scrape, manipulate and interact with pages.

One demo I wanted to make was inspired by Ire's Capturing 422 live images post where she ran a puppeteer script that would navigate to many pages and take a screenshot. Instead of going to many pages, I wanted to take many screenshots of elements on the page.

The problem that I have with Puppeteer is the opening stanza that you need to do anything. Launch, Open tab, navigate - it's not complex, it's just more boilerplate than I want to create for simple scripts. That's why I created Puppeteer Go. It's just a small script that helps me build CLI utilities easily that opens the browser, navigates to a page, performs your action and then cleans up after itself.

Check it out.

const { go } = require('puppeteer-go');

go('https://paul.kinlan.me', async (page) => {
    const elements = await page.$$("h1");
    let count = 0;
    for(let element of elements) {
      try {
        await element.screenshot({ path: `${count++}.png`});
      } catch (err) {
        console.log(count, err);

The above code will find the h1 element in my blog and take a screenshot. This is nowhere near as good as Ire's work, but I thought it was neat to see if we can quickly pull screenshots from canisuse.com directly from the page.

const { go } = require('puppeteer-go');

go('https://caniuse.com/#search=css', async (page) => {
    const elements = await page.$$("article.feature-block.feature-block--feature");
    let count = 0;
    for(let element of elements) {
      try {
        await element.screenshot({ path: `${count++}.png`});
      } catch (err) {
        console.log(count, err);


A simple video insertion tool for EditorJS🔗

Reading time: 2 minutes

I really like EditorJS. It's let me create a very simple web-hosted interface for my static Hugo blog.

EditorJS has most of what I need in a simple block-based editor. It has a plugin for headers, code, and even a simple way to add images to the editor without requiring hosting infrastructure. It doesn't have a simple way to add video's to the editor, until now.

I took the simple-image plugin repository and changed it up (just a tad) to create a simple-video plugin (npm module). Now I can include videos easily in this blog.

If you are familar with EditorJS, it's rather simple to include in your projects. Just install it as follows

npm i simple-video-editorjs

And then just include it in your project as you see fit.

const SimpleVideo = require('simple-video-editorjs');

var editor = EditorJS({
  tools: {
    video: SimpleVideo,

The editor has some simple options that let you configure how the video should be hosted in the page:

  1. Autoplay - will the video play automatically when the page loads
  2. muted - will the video not have sound on by default (needed for autoplay)
  3. controls - will the video have the default HTML controls.

Below is a quick example of a video that is embedded (and showing some of the options).

Anyway, I had fun creating this little plugin - it was not too hard to create and about the only thing that I did was defer the conversion to base64 which simple-images uses and instead just use the Blob URLs.

Test post Video upload

Reading time: 1 minute

This is a test post to ensure video uploads are working correctly. If you can see the video below, the test was successful. Read More

Friendly Project Name Generator with Zeit🔗

Reading time: 2 minutes

I've got some ideas for projects that make it easier to create sites on the web - one of the ideas is to make a netlify-like drag and drop interface for zeit based projects (I like zeit but it requires a tiny bit of cli magic to deploy).

This post covers just one small piece of the puzzle: creating project names.

Glitch is a good example of this, when you create a project it gives it a whimsical randomly generated name. The team also created a good dictionary of fairly safe words that combine well (and if you want they have a simple server to host).

So, the side project this Sunday was to create a simple micro-service to generate random project names using Zeit's serverless-functions and the dictionary from Glitch.

And here it is (code), it's pretty short and not too complex.

const words = require("friendly-words");

function generate(count = 1, separator = "-") {
  const { predicates, objects } = words;
  const pCount = predicates.length;
  const oCount = objects.length;
  const output = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    const pair = [predicates[Math.floor(Math.random() * pCount)], objects[Math.floor(Math.random() * oCount)]];

  return output;

module.exports = { generate }

If you don't want to include it in your project directly, you can use the HTTP endpoint to generate random project names (in the form of "X-Y") by making a web request to https://friendly-project-name.kinlan.now.sh/api/names, which will return something like the following.


You can also control how many names to generate with the a query-string parameter of count=x, e.g. https://friendly-project-name.kinlan.now.sh/api/names?count=100


You can control separator with the a query-string parameter of separator. i.e, separator=@ , e.g. https://friendly-project-name.kinlan.now.sh/api/names?separator=@


A very useful aspect of this project is that if a combination of words tends towards being offensive, it is easy to update the Glitch repo to ensure that it doesn't happen again.

Assuming that the project hosting doesn't get too expensive I will keep the service up, but feel free to clone it yourselves if you ever want to create a similar micro-service.

Live example

What follows is a super quick example of the API in action.

const render = (promise, elementId) => {
  promise.then(async(response) => {
    const el = document.getElementById(elementId);
    el.innerText = await response.text();

onload = () => {
  render(fetch("https://friendly-project-name.kinlan.now.sh/api/names"), "basic");
  render(fetch("https://friendly-project-name.kinlan.now.sh/api/names?count=100"), "many");
  render(fetch("https://friendly-project-name.kinlan.now.sh/api/names?separator=@"), "separator");

Single response

Many resposnses

Custom separators


Frankie and Bennys: Pay for your meal via the web

Reading time: 1 minute

Frankie & Benny's offers a web-based payment system accessible via QR code, eliminating the need for a dedicated app. I tested the process, and while the Google Pay option encountered a glitch (already reported), the overall experience was smooth and efficient, taking about a minute to complete. Read More


Reading time: 10 minutes

I love podcasts, but finding new ones is tough! I mostly rely on friend's recommendations. To make discovery easier, I'm sharing my personal podroll, which includes a variety of shows I enjoy. This list is frequently updated using a script, so check back often for new additions. You can find my podroll on Player.fm, a platform created by my friend Mike Mahemoff. Read More

Adding "dark mode" to my blog

Reading time: 1 minute

I added dark mode to my blog! Inspired by Jeremy Keith, I used CSS custom properties and media queries to switch between light and dark themes based on the user's preference. I also included a fallback for browsers that don't support custom properties and a temporary CSS class for testing since Chrome DevTools didn't yet have dark mode emulation. Read More

Using Web Mentions in a static site (Hugo)

Reading time: 5 minutes

This blog post discusses how to integrate Webmentions into a statically generated website built with Hugo, hosted on Zeit. Static sites lack dynamic features like comments, often relying on third-party solutions. This post explores using Webmentions as a decentralized alternative to services like Disqus. It leverages webmention.io as a hub to handle incoming mentions and pingbacks, validating the source and parsing page content. The integration process involves adding link tags to HTML, incorporating the webmention.io API into the build process, and efficiently mapping mention data to individual files for Hugo templates. Finally, a cron job triggers regular site rebuilds via Zeit's deployment API, ensuring timely updates with new mentions. Read More

Creating a pop-out iframe with adoptNode and "magic iframes"

Reading time: 4 minutes

I explored the concept of "magic iframes" and using adoptNode to move iframes between windows. Initially, I thought I'd found a way to preserve iframe state during the move. However, after discussing with Jake Archibald, it turns out that appendChild already handles node adoption, making adoptNode redundant. Furthermore, moving iframes causes them to reload, negating the perceived benefit. While moving DOM elements between documents is still interesting, the original premise for iframes doesn't hold. The post includes a demo and discusses the potential of the <portal> API. Read More

Meatspace Augmented Reality: From Chester to Nagoya

Reading time: 4 minutes

Some thoughts on AR after finding some during my travels. TL;DR - cheaper content creation and better discovery tools are needed. Read More

Photos from Carlisle Castle

Reading time: 1 minute

Just got back from a trip to Carlisle Castle with the lads! It's a must-see if you're in the area. Learned a lot about its history in the conflicts between England and Scotland, which got me thinking about the potential impact of Brexit on Scotland's future, especially given Carlisle's proximity. I've included a few photos of the castle to give you a taste of what to expect. Read More

Idle observation: Indexing text in images

Reading time: 4 minutes

During a trip to Llangollen, I noticed that the historical information on local signs wasn't available online. This sparked an idea to make such information accessible on the web, especially for those with reading difficulties. I experimented with my existing image text extraction tool and found it works surprisingly well on these types of images. I'm now considering creating a website dedicated to archiving and indexing the text from informational signs, inspired by Google's Navlekhā project which helps offline Indian publishers digitize their content. Read More

Liverpool World Museum

Reading time: 1 minute

I recently took my kids to the Liverpool World Museum. While some areas like the Space and Time section and the Bug enclosure were a bit underwhelming, the newly opened Egyptian exhibit was fantastic! Read More