
I am Paul Kinlan.

I lead the Chrome and the Open Web Developer Relations team at Google.


Reading time: 1 minute

BlinkList, previously reported by Mind Valley as back online, appears to still be down. Expressing concern about the situation. Read More

I lead the Chrome Developer Relations team at Google.

We want people to have the best experience possible on the web without having to install a native app or produce content in a walled garden.

Our team tries to make it easier for developers to build on the web by supporting every Chrome release, creating great content to support developers on web.dev, contributing to MDN, helping to improve browser compatibility, and some of the best developer tools like Lighthouse, Workbox, Squoosh to name just a few.

I love to learn about what you are building, and how I can help with Chrome or Web development in general, so if you want to chat with me directly, please feel free to book a consultation.

I'm trialing a newsletter, you can subscribe below (thank you!)

My Site and The Anti-Phishing Feature

Reading time: 1 minute

My site, DeliTag, is being flagged as suspicious by IE7, likely due to the username and password fields for Delicious. I've created a privacy statement to address concerns about how this information is used. In short, the credentials are passed directly to Delicious without any further processing. The transmission is unsecured, mirroring Delicious's own security. The privacy statement at http://www.kinlan.co.uk/Deli/DeliPrivacy.htm offers more details. Please contact me with any questions. Read More

Potential Upgrades to my Blog

Reading time: 1 minute

I'm planning some exciting upgrades to my blog! Soon, each post will feature a dynamically generated section at the end, pulling in related content like searches, blogs, images, and Wikipedia articles, all based on the post's context. No caching for now, but I'm considering it for the future. You'll also be able to subscribe to an OPML file containing an outline of all this related information for each post. Read More

RE: Blogniscient v. Memeorandum

Reading time: 1 minute

I tried out Blogniscient and Memeorandum, the automated blog news organizers, but I'm not impressed. The main reason? I can't even spell their names correctly when I want to visit their sites! Read More

RE: Del.icio.us A Like?

Reading time: 1 minute

I'm searching for social bookmarking services similar to Del.icio.us for integration with my AJAX-based DeliTag. This would allow uploading tags to multiple services simultaneously. So far, I've found Shadows, Simpy, Del.icio.us, and BlinkList (though the latter seems to be down). Any other suggestions are welcome! Read More

I am going to put DeliTag on the main page

Reading time: 1 minute

I'm excited to announce that DeliTag will be featured on the main page to increase visibility and usage. It will also be available on Tagger.Kinlan.co.uk. As a reminder, DeliTag is an AJAX-based mashup of Yahoo and Del.icio.us, allowing users to generate and post tags to Del.icio.us based on page content. Read More

I've taken Adverts of my site in all places apart from the Entry

Reading time: 1 minute

I've removed Google AdSense ads from my site's main page due to poor visibility and ineffectiveness. I've relocated them to a spot just before the comment section within articles. Hoping this placement change will improve their performance! Read More

Del.icio.us A Like?

Reading time: 1 minute

I'm searching for del.icio.us alternatives to integrate into my AJAX DeliTag application. My goal is to enable simultaneous tag uploads to del.icio.us and other similar services. Read More

Finally Got Blogger BackLinks Working

Reading time: 1 minute

I've successfully implemented backlinks on my Blogger blog, thanks to a helpful article on browservulsel.blogspot.com. Check it out if you're looking to add backlinks to your own Blogger blog. Read More

Update to DeliTag

Reading time: 1 minute

I've just added a new feature to my website! Now, you can easily tag any page (except the main page) with relevant keywords and submit them directly to Del.icio.us. Just select the text, click "Generate Tags," choose the tags you want, enter your Del.icio.us credentials, and hit "Submit Tags." It's all AJAX-powered for a smooth experience. Currently works in IE6 and above, with Firefox compatibility coming soon. Try it out on this post! Read More

1 hour later and I have made the Delicious Automatic Tagger

Reading time: 1 minute

I've created a tool called DeliTag that automatically suggests tags for any page on kinlan.co.uk and submits them to your Delicious account. It's a quick process: hit "Goto", let the page load, click "Analyze" to see tag suggestions, choose the ones you like, enter your Delicious credentials, and press "Submit". Keep in mind, this currently only works on my site and requires IE6+ with Cross Domain Data Island support. Passwords are sent as plain text, mimicking Delicious's own method. Let me know if you'd like to see this developed further! Read More

Ajax Tagger Oops

Reading time: 1 minute

A quick heads-up: There's a bug in AJAX Tagger v2. I'll fix it tonight. My bad, I skipped testing a change I made yesterday. Read More

Amazon Web Service API SOAP vs REST

Reading time: 1 minute

I've been exploring the Amazon Web Service API, comparing its REST and SOAP interfaces. Initial impressions suggest the REST API is significantly faster, especially compared to my experiences using the SOAP API with C# and Web References. However, it's worth noting that these observations aren't based on rigorous testing and the different environments (Windows Forms vs. a Linux server on a fast network) could be influencing the perceived performance difference. Read More

Favorite Movies

Reading time: 1 minute

YMDB.com is a great site for listing your favorite movies and finding others with similar tastes. While the current interface is a bit tedious for adding and sorting films, it's still a worthwhile resource. I'd love to see an AJAX-style update to improve the user experience. Check out my profile for some examples of how I use YMDB. Read More

Further update to my AJAX Application DeliTag

Reading time: 1 minute

I've updated my AJAX application, DeliTag (The Delicious Tag Poster)! Now, when you select text within the IFRAME, the application will analyze only the selected text instead of the entire page. This makes tagging much more precise. Read More

Idea for another Program

Reading time: 1 minute

I have a new program idea: an automatic tag creator for Del.icio.us, similar to my Ajax Tagging Application. It would analyze a webpage's content to suggest relevant topical tags, which you could then select and use to upload the URL and tags to Del.icio.us. I believe this would be a useful tool. What are your thoughts? Read More

RE: C# : Where do you define an enum

Reading time: 2 minutes

In response to a comment on Abhinaba's blog, I argue that verbosity in code is generally preferable, especially when defining enums. While Intellisense can be helpful, it shouldn't dictate design decisions. Enums should ideally be defined within the class they're used, unless they're shared across multiple classes from the outset. This improves code clarity and makes dependencies explicit. For example, separate FileFilter and DirectoryFilter enums within their respective classes are better than generic namespace-level filters. Read More

RE: OPML - Please enlighten me

Reading time: 4 minutes

I'm struggling to understand the practical uses of OPML, especially given the inconsistent use of attributes like 'type', 'url', and 'xmlurl'. While I'm developing a JavaScript OPML object model for my own projects (like a tagging system where OPML stores related links for blog posts), I haven't found a clear standard for defining outlines. It seems like the 'standard' emerges from popular usage rather than formal specification. I'm particularly interested in how to determine the file type of items within an OPML outline, as my current application only uses links for pages and images (feed support is still pending). The lack of clear semantics in OPML makes it difficult to build dynamic applications that can 'mash up' content from different sources based on the OPML structure. Read More

OPML JavaScript Object Model Updates

Reading time: 1 minute

I've updated the OPML JavaScript Object Model to support OPML Attributes for Outlines, increasing flexibility for developers. I've also incorporated an instanceOf method (source unknown - please let me know if you recognize it!) to add type checking when inserting OPMLOutlineAttributes into the attribute array. The added instanceOf function is as follows:

function instanceOf(object, constructor)  while (object != null) {       if (object == constructor.prototype)          return true;       object = object.__proto__;    }    return false; }
Read More

RE: C# : Where do you define an enum

Reading time: 2 minutes

This post discusses the best placement for enum declarations in C#. While some argue that defining enums outside the class avoids extra typing, I believe that placing them inside the class improves code clarity, reduces ambiguity, and makes it easier to handle similarly named enums from different classes. IntelliSense helps with the extra typing. The original article argues against this, prioritizing less typing, but I find that less important than clarity and proper scoping. Read More