The Successes of my first AJAX Application: Part 6 - Improving my Grammar

The way that I write sucks! That is all that I can say, I don't think I have a very good grasp on the English language (which is pretty poor since I live in England!!). My Vocabulary is limited and my punctuation is abysmal. I am prototyping this post in Microsoft Word so the spelling and vocabulary should be fine (synonym suggestion). I believe this blog has however, has allowed me to improve the way that I write. I need to do more though. I was thinking of getting the book “Eats, Shoots and Leaves” because from what I have heard it is a great introduction to grammar.

I don’t want my blog to be a palace of grammatical correctness, I still want it to be personal, but I would like it to read well.

So here goes. Learn where to put commas correctly; learn about Semi-colons (Was the previous one correct?); learn how to structure sentences and learn how to structure sentences and paragraphs.

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