I've created a tool called "Now Stable" using Browser Compat Data (BCD) to help developers determine when web APIs become stable across different browsers. This addresses the challenge of keeping up with browser updates and helps developers confidently choose APIs for their projects. The tool allows users to select their target browsers (e.g., Chrome, Safari, Firefox) and see a chronological list of when APIs became available across those browsers. I'm looking for feedback on how this tool can be improved and how developers would use this data.
This post discusses the challenges web developers face due to the constantly evolving web platform. It highlights the difficulty in keeping up with changes, browser inconsistencies, and the lack of clear documentation. It then outlines the efforts made to address these issues, focusing on improving communication about the web platform, enhancing compatibility and interoperability across browsers (Compat 2021, Interop 2022), and investing in better documentation like MDN's Browser Compat Data. These initiatives aim to create a more stable and predictable web development experience, fostering innovation.
This post discusses the importance of developer satisfaction, particularly for web developers, and how the MDN Web Developer Needs Assessment has influenced Chrome's web platform priorities for 2020. My hypothesis is that improving the web platform will lead to increased developer satisfaction, more content creation, and happier end-users. Based on the MDN survey data, key areas for improvement include browser compatibility, testing, documentation, debugging, framework integration, and privacy & security. Chrome is committed to working with the web ecosystem to address these challenges and increase developer productivity and satisfaction. We'll share more specific plans in the coming weeks and welcome your feedback on these focus areas and how Chrome can better engage with the developer community.
This post explores the concept of "reverse polyfilling" – creating polyfills for features removed from web browsers. I argue that as the web platform matures, pruning less-used features is necessary for performance and maintainability. While this might seem disruptive to developers, reverse polyfills, combined with the principles of the Extensible Web, offer a solution. By focusing on core primitives and building higher-level features with JavaScript (potentially leveraging technologies like WebAssembly), we can create a more adaptable and efficient web platform. Reverse polyfills will become essential for both removing legacy features and implementing new ones, contributing to a progressively enhanced web experience.