
I am Paul Kinlan.

A Developer Advocate for Chrome and the Open Web at Google.

I love the web. The web should allow anyone to access any experience that they need without the need for native install or content walled garden.

Just Updated the Styles to this site

Paul Kinlan

I've given my website a fresh new look with a template of my own design! I'm currently working on ensuring it's compatible with Internet Explorer. Your feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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I am still not happy with the style of this site

Paul Kinlan

I'm going through a phase where I dislike my website's style and plan to redesign it when I have time. I've created a potential logo using vector graphics software and would love feedback. P.S. I'm much happier with the site's look now!

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Channel 9 Re-Design

Paul Kinlan

I'm a big fan of Channel 9, a Microsoft website showcasing developer insights. Their recent redesign is fantastic! They've moved from a traditional blog layout to a more concise "Most Recent" section, putting important content front and center. The new comment section design is also visually appealing, with a unique element that seems to break free from traditional HTML constraints. The addition of a tagging section, similar to Technorati, is a valuable feature, allowing users to easily see popular topics and gauge community interest. Overall, two thumbs up for the Channel 9 redesign – excellent work!

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I really like parts of the design of this blog

Paul Kinlan

I'm considering redesigning my blog and like the single-post focus of penandthink.com/niggle. However, my blog has frequent posts, so I'm unsure if that style would work. I'm asking readers whether they prefer a blog with a single featured post or a list of recent posts (like my current design showing the last 30). Feedback can be sent to paul.kinlan@gmail.com.

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