
I am Paul Kinlan.

A Developer Advocate for Chrome and the Open Web at Google.

I love the web. The web should allow anyone to access any experience that they need without the need for native install or content walled garden.

Creating a Lighthouse Gatherer to generate high-res screenshots for your Audit

Paul Kinlan

I needed higher resolution screenshots for an ML model to classify elements on a webpage, but the default Lighthouse screenshot was too compressed. So, I created a custom Lighthouse Gatherer using Puppeteer. This gatherer captures a full-page, high-resolution screenshot encoded as base64 and returns it along with the device pixel ratio. This was a fun little project, and the code is surprisingly concise. However, future Lighthouse versions may include higher-resolution screenshots, making this gatherer redundant.

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Button and Link Scraping for ML training

Paul Kinlan

In this project, I'm working on an accessibility tool to detect links styled as buttons, a common issue that can confuse users. My approach involves scraping websites to gather images of buttons and links, and then training a machine learning model to distinguish between them. This post focuses on the scraping process using Puppeteer. I encountered challenges like occluded elements and smooth scrolling, which I addressed by checking for occlusion and disabling smooth scrolling. The next step is training the ML image classifier.

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Puppeteer go

Paul Kinlan

A simple node library for Puppeeter

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Puppeteer Go

Paul Kinlan

I've created Puppeteer Go, a small JavaScript library to simplify the process of creating CLI utilities with Puppeteer. It handles the boilerplate of launching the browser, opening a tab, navigating to a URL, performing a specified action, and cleaning up. This post demonstrates its usage by taking multiple screenshots of elements on a page, inspired by Ire Aderinokun's work. Examples include capturing screenshots of h1 elements on my blog and feature blocks on caniuse.com.

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Bookmarklet: Chrome DevTools trace page

Paul Kinlan

A simple bookmarklet that will performance trace the current page and open in an hosted devtools instance

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Puppeteer as a service

Paul Kinlan

Being able to run a browser on a server is one of the most powerful things to hit the web.

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Hosting Puppeteer in a Docker container

Paul Kinlan

A simple docker container that can host an instance of puppeteer and a custom app.

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domcurl: curl + JavaScript

Paul Kinlan

A curl-like utitly that runs JavaScript

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Paul Kinlan

Curl, but can run JavaScript

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