Using HTTPArchive and Chrome UX report to get Lighthouse score for top visited sites in India.
A quick dive in to how to use Lighthouse,HTTPArchive and Chrome UX report to try and understand how users in a country might experience the web.
I love the web. The web should allow anyone to access any experience that they need without the need for native install or content walled garden.
A quick dive in to how to use Lighthouse,HTTPArchive and Chrome UX report to try and understand how users in a country might experience the web.
A quick dive in to how to use Lighthouse to try and understand how users in a country might experience the web.
On the web determining and adapting to network type the user is on is incredibly hard. Until now.
I learnt a lot of things in India. 3: 2G is still a big thing and web developers can't do anything about it
I learnt a lot of things in India. 2: UC Browser is trying to be the browser for the region
I learnt a lot of things in India. 1: Proxy browsers don't work