
I am Paul Kinlan.

A Developer Advocate for Chrome and the Open Web at Google.

I love the web. The web should allow anyone to access any experience that they need without the need for native install or content walled garden.

Google Search: c# convert date from uk to usa

Paul Kinlan

This post addresses the Google search query "c# convert date from uk to usa." It provides a C# code snippet using CultureInfo and DateTime to convert a date string formatted according to UK conventions into a US date format. The code takes the date string from a textbox, parses it using the UK culture settings (en-GB), and then formats the resulting DateTime object according to US culture settings (en-US) before outputting it to another textbox.

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Google Search: c# instanceof

Paul Kinlan

This post addresses the search query "c# instanceof" by clarifying that C# uses "is" and "as" keywords instead of "instanceof" for type checking and casting. The "is" keyword checks an object's type, while "as" performs a safe cast, returning null if the cast fails, unlike an explicit cast which throws an exception.

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Google Search: c# expando

Paul Kinlan

This post explores how to create JavaScript expando objects within C#. I discuss how to achieve this effect using both client-side JavaScript manipulation from C# and by adding attributes to HTML elements server-side, similar to how tooltips extend WinForms classes. I also touch upon the potential for C# 3.0 to offer this functionality natively and the possible use of Reflection and ExtenderProviders for dynamic property addition.

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Google sending me c# searches.

Paul Kinlan

Seeing increased C# searches in my blog logs. Visitors might appreciate the lack of C# content here, so I'll start addressing C# topics.

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First Post

Paul Kinlan

A quick test post to check if everything's working. Planning to share learnings about C#, C# 2.0, and .NET Framework soon.

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