Service Worker Routing

Yesterday I posted about an update to my Service Worker caching strategy. If you look at my ServiceWorker you will see that there is more to it than just the fix I had to make for storing data in the Cache.

I have also introduced a URL routing framework to simplify my logic in the service worker when dealing with different kinds of requests. For example, I don't want to cache requests to Google Analytics or Disquss, and rather than make my onfetch handler a lot more complex, it was easier to be declarative about the routes that I wanted to manage and then control the logic for those independently from the other routes.

I based the code off of a client-side URL router I made 6 years ago called LeviRoutes(inspired by the reggae reggae sauce craze at the time). LeviRoutes followed an express-js style format and for me it worked quite well allowing me to share logic between my client and server (I still say IO-Reader was the first true Progressive Web App six years ago watch below ;)

I morphed the LeviRoutes router only slightly by making sure that you as the developer can register routes using router.get and for either of those two HTTP request types (it is easy to add more in) directly inside the Service Worker and I added in functionality to let you specify what part of the URL you want to match against, for example you could only have the regex look at the origin part of the URL, or the path, or the search parameters (query string). I think it is quite flexible.

I will update the LeviRoutes project, but for posterity my current service worker is below and you can see the different types of interceptions I can do.


  Escape hatch. ABORT ABORT. Any URL with a kill-sw=true at the end of the
  query string.
router.get(/\?kill-sw=true/, function() {

  caches.keys().then(cacheKeys => Promise.all( => caches.delete(key))));
}, {urlMatchProperty: "search"});

  Handle requests to Google Analytics seperately
router.get(/http[s]*:\/\/, (e)=>{
  console.log('Analytics request', e);
}, {urlMatchProperty: "origin"});

  Manage all the request for this origin in a Stale-Whilst Revalidate way.
  + fetch from network, stuff in cache.
  + return data from cache, if not in cache fetch.
router.get(`${self.location.origin}`, e => {
  const request = e.request;
  const url = new URL(e.request.url);

  // Always do a fetch, in parrallel.
  var fetchPromise = fetch(request.clone()).then(networkResponse => {
    const chain = Promise.resolve(networkResponse.clone());
              .then(cache => {
                cache.put(request, networkResponse);
                return chain;
    return chain;


  const r = => {
    return cache.match(request.clone()).then(response => {
      // Return the cache or the fetch if not there.
      return response || fetchPromise;

},{urlMatchProperty: "origin"});

 This is a catch-all really just showing a catch-all in action
router.get(/.*/, e => {
  // this just shows that the origin filter above works and all other requests are handled by this
  console.log("Foreign Request", e.request)

I encourage everyone to think about their Service Worker onfetch URL management in terms of routing like I have done. It makes your life so much easier.

I also encourage you to check out Service Worker toolbox as it stops you from having to invent your own router. I chose to go down this route because at the time Service Worker toolbox wasn't modular enough for me — I just needed the router — and I like to "NIH to the max" occasionally (if only to flex my brain a little).

It is great to see that Jeff Posnick is working on making Service Worker Toolbox more modular and that will allow me just to use the route or just the caching utils.

Watch Jeff and his plans for sw-toolbox (I recommend it because you can see the benefits of not going down the path that I chose :)

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