
I am Paul Kinlan.

I lead the Chrome and the Open Web Developer Relations team at Google.

CSS C# Token Reader

Reading time: 1 minute

I'm diving into the official CSS 2.1 specification to build a C# based token reader for CSS parsing. The document itself is quite dense, but it lays out the syntax and provides regular expressions to guide the implementation. This is going to be a challenging but interesting project. Read More

I lead the Chrome Developer Relations team at Google.

We want people to have the best experience possible on the web without having to install a native app or produce content in a walled garden.

Our team tries to make it easier for developers to build on the web by supporting every Chrome release, creating great content to support developers on web.dev, contributing to MDN, helping to improve browser compatibility, and some of the best developer tools like Lighthouse, Workbox, Squoosh to name just a few.

I love to learn about what you are building, and how I can help with Chrome or Web development in general, so if you want to chat with me directly, please feel free to book a consultation.

I'm trialing a newsletter, you can subscribe below (thank you!)

Google Search: c# css parser

Reading time: 1 minute

A visitor searched Google for a "c# css parser" and landed on my site. Intrigued, I explored existing C# CSS parsers but found nothing. This sparked an idea for a personal project: creating my own parser. I envision distinct classes for each CSS type, managing their rules and attributes. A "Finder Class" would locate CSS classes and instantiate corresponding C# objects. Read More

Google Search: create a dsl connection in c#

Reading time: 1 minute

This post addresses the Google search query "create a dsl connection in c#". It clarifies that C# doesn't create DSL-specific connections. Instead, you use standard TCP connections via System.Net.Sockets and System.Net, relying on Windows to manage the network interface. Read More

Books Blog

Reading time: 1 minute

I've started a new blog dedicated to book reviews using WordPress! Check it out at http://books.kinlan.co.uk. I'm quite impressed with WordPress's flexibility and plugin options, a definite upgrade from Blogger. I'm still working on some features, like automatically directing users to the correct Amazon site based on their location, but feedback is welcome! Read More

Amazons Associate Scheme

Reading time: 1 minute

I've added Amazon affiliate links to relevant books on my blog posts, hoping to provide useful recommendations and earn a small commission. So far, I've had one referral. I'd love to hear your feedback: Do you find these book recommendations helpful? Would you consider purchasing a recommended book? What factors influence your book-buying decisions? Is it clear which links go to the UK Amazon site versus the US site? Recent stats suggest a low conversion rate for affiliate links (around 0.24%), so I'm evaluating whether the effort is worthwhile given the advertising benefit to Amazon. Read More

Business Blogging

Reading time: 2 minutes

Robert Scoble's new book on business blogging emphasizes building meaningful customer relationships through online dialogue. It argues that blogs humanize corporate communication, leading to improved brand image and profitability. The book includes case studies and interviews with business leaders like Mark Cuban, Bob Lutz, and Jonathan Schwartz, demonstrating blogging's impact on communication and competition. It also provides tools and strategies for businesses to effectively connect with customers by leveraging blogs' rapid information dissemination and encouraging active reader participation. Read More

Ajax Tagger Update

Reading time: 1 minute

I've updated the Ajax Tagger to Version 2.0! This update fixes a bug that's been present since Christmas. I've also added a Google Ad to the site. Read More

Just about to get the Internet Connection Installed

Reading time: 1 minute

My site hasn't been updated because I just moved and haven't had internet access. That's changing today with the installation of Telewest Broadband 4Mbs! I'm excited to get back online. Read More

A Little excerpt about telecoms fraud

Reading time: 4 minutes

This excerpt from my final year project explores different types of telecom fraud, which I'll use as a basis for a C# neural network. Telecom fraud can be categorized into subscription fraud (false identities or payment evasion), call surfing (unauthorized network access through methods like call forwarding or cloning), ghosting (manipulating systems to avoid billing), accounting fraud (internal manipulation of billing systems), and information abuse (misuse of client or system data). I discuss the financial impact of these methods, such as bad debt from subscription fraud and costs incurred from call surfing via PABX manipulation. I also touch upon the vulnerabilities of older analogue mobile phones to cloning and the methods used in ghosting, like tone generating hardware. The project aims to address these fraud types through a neural network approach. Read More

Update to Call Detail Record Generator

Reading time: 1 minute

I've fixed the download link for the Call Detail Record (CDR) Generator tool I created for my final year project. It's an MS Access 2003 application. Read More

Call Detail Record (CDR) Generation Tool

Reading time: 1 minute

I've shared my Call Detail Record (CDR) Generator, a Microsoft Access 2003 application I developed for my final year project. This tool creates thousands of simulated phone calls, mimicking various customer profiles (e.g., high/low usage, fraudulent, national rate). It offers extensive customization options for call cost, duration, and user behavior patterns (e.g. business vs. home user calling time). The generated call data is designed for training neural networks. Feel free to download and experiment – it's easy to use. Read More

Upload of Final Year Project

Reading time: 1 minute

I've finally uploaded my final year project, even amidst a house move and lack of internet! It explores how neural networks can detect telecom fraud. I've also built a related application, but I'll share more details later. Stay tuned for more insights from the project. Read More

Neural Networks, C# and telecoms fraud detection final year project

Reading time: 2 minutes

I'm revisiting my final year university project on telecoms fraud detection. I built a system that generated call records and used a MATLAB neural network to analyze them for fraud. It worked surprisingly well! Now, I'm planning to rebuild the neural network in C# as a learning exercise to understand the underlying algorithms better. I'll be blogging about the project, neural networks, and the C# development process. Read More


Reading time: 1 minute

Quick update: Things have been hectic with my house move, so blogging has taken a backseat. Not sure when I'll be back on a regular schedule. Read More

Update to Retail Webservice Therapy

Reading time: 1 minute

I recently discussed the lack of retail web service APIs for major companies like Tesco, Dixon's, and HMV. I've since discovered an ASDA Soap API on maskell.uk.com. I'm impressed by this development, though I'm uncertain how it's implemented (possibly screen scraping). Check it out! Read More

Google Search: c# convert date from uk to usa

Reading time: 1 minute

This post addresses the Google search query "c# convert date from uk to usa." It provides a C# code snippet using CultureInfo and DateTime to convert a date string formatted according to UK conventions into a US date format. The code takes the date string from a textbox, parses it using the UK culture settings (en-GB), and then formats the resulting DateTime object according to US culture settings (en-US) before outputting it to another textbox. Read More

RSS Bandit has been Released

Reading time: 1 minute

I've just upgraded to RSS Bandit and I'm really pleased with it. This version successfully imported Robert Scoble's huge OPML file, has a refreshed UI, and seems to load large numbers of posts much faster (maybe due to disabling XSLT formatting). Read More

Suggestions for finding related blogs

Reading time: 1 minute

I'm developing Ajax Tagger 2.0 and need ideas for displaying related blogs within the application and its output. I'm also searching for a good search engine (besides Technorati and Google) to find related blogs and feeds. Any suggestions? Please email me or leave a comment. Read More

Update To AJAX Tagger Version 2 [New Domain]

Reading time: 1 minute

I've updated the AJAX Tagger and moved it to a new subdomain: ajaxtag.kinlan.co.uk. This should make it easier to access. The old location (www.kinlan.co.uk/AjaxExperiments/AjaxTag2) will still work and be updated alongside the new address. Read More

Update to AJAX Tagger OPML Ouput

Reading time: 1 minute

I've updated my Ajax Tagger 2.0 tool! It now provides related search results and outputs them as OPML, including RSS feeds for search engines like MSN, Technorati, and Google Blog Search. I'm looking for more search engines that offer RSS output. If you know of any, especially for Google or Yahoo, please share! Read More