
I am Paul Kinlan.

A Developer Advocate for Chrome and the Open Web at Google.

I love the web. The web should allow anyone to access any experience that they need without the need for native install or content walled garden.

I am still not happy with the style of this site

Paul Kinlan

I'm going through a phase where I dislike my website's style and plan to redesign it when I have time. I've created a potential logo using vector graphics software and would love feedback. P.S. I'm much happier with the site's look now!

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Not going to update the style of this site

Paul Kinlan

I've been considering updating the website's design as mentioned before, but haven't found one that is both simple and aesthetically pleasing. I may update it in the future when I have more time.

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The Successes of my first AJAX Application: Part 6 - Introduction

Paul Kinlan

This blog post, the sixth in my "Successes and Failures of my First AJAX Application" series, discusses how my blogging style is evolving. I'm focusing on improving my grammar, the topics I cover, post length, and what I include in my blogs. This self-reflection aims to improve how I communicate with my readers. More details on each area are available via the provided links.

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DoubleAnimation Crashes XAMLPad (MayCTP): Some Answers To Questions

Paul Kinlan

DoubleAnimation crashes in XAMLPad (May CTP) when animating Width or Height without specifying both "From" and "To" values, or when a base value isn't set. This is because the animation infers these values from the base value, which may not be available until layout execution. Setting the Width or Height on the element or in a style usually resolves the issue. However, I encountered a case where animating a MenuItem's width failed even after attempting to set a default width through a style. A suggested solution involved explicitly setting the width on the element, as the animation infers the 'To' value from the base value, which needs to be available for a smooth transition. I then tried setting a default Width on the MenuItem Style and the crash still occurs in XAMLPad. My next step is to test this in a WinFX application.

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XAML Menu Throbbing! (Answers to Questions)

Paul Kinlan

I've found answers to my XAML menu throbbing questions! Using RoutedEvents in ControlTemplates (and DataTemplates!) lets me start and stop timelines for animations. I can place these triggers inside styles, and it turns out TargetName isn't always required. A cool discovery: storyboards inside ControlTemplates/DataTemplates can be accessed by any control matching the style's TargetType. My wobbly menu example demonstrates these techniques.

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