I'm curious why social bookmarking services like Simpy, Shadows, and del.icio.us prioritize a user's tags over a global view. When clicking a tag, I'd rather see globally relevant tagged pages than just those from a single user. A single user's tagging habits aren't as useful as seeing the broader community's perspective on a topic. Ideally, these services would offer a toggle between user-specific and global tag views.
I'm searching for social bookmarking services similar to Del.icio.us for integration with my AJAX-based DeliTag. This would allow uploading tags to multiple services simultaneously. So far, I've found Shadows, Simpy, Del.icio.us, and BlinkList (though the latter seems to be down). Any other suggestions are welcome!
I'm searching for del.icio.us alternatives to integrate into my AJAX DeliTag application. My goal is to enable simultaneous tag uploads to del.icio.us and other similar services.