
I am Paul Kinlan.

A Developer Advocate for Chrome and the Open Web at Google.

I love the web. The web should allow anyone to access any experience that they need without the need for native install or content walled garden.

Adding "dark mode" to my blog

Paul Kinlan

I added dark mode to my blog! Inspired by Jeremy Keith, I used CSS custom properties and media queries to switch between light and dark themes based on the user's preference. I also included a fallback for browsers that don't support custom properties and a temporary CSS class for testing since Chrome DevTools didn't yet have dark mode emulation.

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file-drop custom element

Paul Kinlan

A simple drag and drop custom element that accepts files

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Importing npm modules to the web as JavaScript modules

Paul Kinlan

In this post, I share a Rollup configuration I created to easily import npm modules into a front-end project using ES6 modules. I needed a way to use the 'get-urls' npm package in my ES6 project without resorting to CommonJS. My solution involves creating a wrapper file, using Rollup to bundle it with necessary plugins (node-resolve, commonjs, node-builtins, node-globals, closure-compiler-js), and then importing the resulting bundle into my HTML using a <script type="module"> tag. While the resulting bundle size is larger than ideal, this method allows me to use npm modules directly within my ES6 code.

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Bookmarklet: Chrome DevTools trace page

Paul Kinlan

A simple bookmarklet that will performance trace the current page and open in an hosted devtools instance

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Monitor all Events on an Element

Paul Kinlan

I needed to figure out how to monitor events on an element (like when a field is autofilled) and Chrome DevTools has a monitorEvents function, but Firefox doesn't. Since I couldn't find an equivalent in Firefox DevTools, I created my own JavaScript function that iterates through an element's properties, finds event listeners (e.g., "onclick"), extracts the event name (e.g., "click"), and attaches a console logger to each event. The code snippet and a corresponding gist are provided.

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Traffic-lights with CSS

Paul Kinlan

I wanted a traffic light system on iwanttouse.com to visually represent feature support. Initially, I used simple CSS classes like .good (green), .ok (amber), and .bad (red), but this required clunky conditional logic to handle the color transitions based on percentage support. Paul Lewis suggested using HSL which allows for smooth transitions between red, amber, and green by adjusting the Hue value (0-359). Now, I can dynamically set the color using element.styles.color = \"hsla(\" + ((percentage / 100) * 90) + \", 50%, 50%)\"; which maps the percentage support to a Hue value between 0 (red) and 90 (green).

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JS: classList, yipee!

Paul Kinlan

I'm super excited about the new classList API! It's like having jQuery's class manipulation, but built right into the browser. This means we can easily add, remove, toggle, and check for classes without messy string parsing. Currently supported in Firefox 3.6+ and Chrome 7+, the classList API uses the DOMTokenList interface and is way more convenient. I'll have a better demo up on the blog soon!

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