
I am Paul Kinlan.

A Developer Advocate for Chrome and the Open Web at Google.

I love the web. The web should allow anyone to access any experience that they need without the need for native install or content walled garden.

Will we care about frameworks in the future?

Paul Kinlan

Building apps with LLMs and agents like Replit has been incredibly productive. The generated code is often vanilla and repetitive, raising questions about the future of frameworks. While frameworks offer abstractions and accelerate development, LLMs seem to disregard these patterns, focusing on implementation. This shift in software development driven by agents may lead to a world where direct code manipulation is unnecessary. It remains to be seen if frameworks and existing architectural patterns will still be relevant in this LLM-driven future or if new patterns will emerge.

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Top web developer pain points in 2021

Paul Kinlan

This blog post discusses the top challenges faced by web developers in 2021 based on a quarterly survey. The findings reveal that the top pain points remain consistent with previous years, including browser compatibility, testing, documentation, debugging, framework usage, and security/privacy concerns. The survey data highlights the difficulties developers face in keeping up with evolving web standards and the ever-expanding ecosystem of tools and frameworks. Cross-browser compatibility and testing remain significant hurdles. While initiatives like Compat 2021 aim to address these challenges, their impact is yet to be fully realized. The data consistently shows the need for improved developer tooling and a more streamlined web development experience.

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Thinking about Developer Satisfaction and Web Developers

Paul Kinlan

This post discusses the importance of developer satisfaction, particularly for web developers, and how the MDN Web Developer Needs Assessment has influenced Chrome's web platform priorities for 2020. My hypothesis is that improving the web platform will lead to increased developer satisfaction, more content creation, and happier end-users. Based on the MDN survey data, key areas for improvement include browser compatibility, testing, documentation, debugging, framework integration, and privacy & security. Chrome is committed to working with the web ecosystem to address these challenges and increase developer productivity and satisfaction. We'll share more specific plans in the coming weeks and welcome your feedback on these focus areas and how Chrome can better engage with the developer community.

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Challenges for web developers

Paul Kinlan

Summary of the challenges that I beleive we developers face every day.

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Custom Elements: an ecosystem still being worked out

Paul Kinlan

Web Components, specifically Custom Elements, offer exciting possibilities for web development. However, the current ecosystem is still evolving and has potential downsides. The practice of namespacing custom elements (e.g., <amp-*>, <iron-*>) creates "walled gardens" that can lock developers into specific frameworks. While understandable in the early stages, this approach hinders interoperability and leads to duplicated functionality. Ideally, we should move towards a shared vocabulary of elements (like <aspect-image>) where developers choose the implementation, not the vendor-specific element name. This requires a standardized process for defining element names, interfaces, and functionality. Imagine a world where component creators define the contract (e.g., class ShareButton extends HTMLElement { ... }) and users choose their preferred implementation. This model puts developers in control and fosters a more open and interoperable web. Furthermore, meta platforms (like Facebook or WeChat) could play a role by intercepting customElements.define calls and replacing JavaScript elements with native implementations when possible. This approach requires careful consideration, but it could lead to a more streamlined and integrated user experience.

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RE: Ajax Framework Comparison

Paul Kinlan

I came across Matt Harrison's post discussing the challenges of choosing between various Ajax toolkits and frameworks, and it really resonated with me. He highlighted the OSA Foundation's survey of Ajax/JavaScript libraries, which covers a wide range of options like Dojo, DWR, JSON-RPC-JAVA, MochiKit, Prototype, Rico, SAJAX, Scriptaculous, Xajax, and Sack. It's fascinating to see how these libraries address different aspects of Ajax development. This makes me rethink my recent work on the backend XMLHttpRequest for Ajax Tagger Version 2, and whether leveraging existing solutions may have been more efficient. Links to the OSA Foundation, Michael Mahemoff's framework information, and my own previous blog post on Ajax layers are included for further exploration.

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