Celebrating my 10th anniversary at Google working on Chrome and leading a Developer Relations team. As we plan for the next few years, I'm reflecting on how we can improve Developer Satisfaction. Inspired by recent feedback on Apple's developer relations, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on what a web browser developer relations team should prioritize. What can we do more of? Less of? How can we best support you and your team? Share your opinions, especially broad strategic ideas.
This post discusses the importance of developer satisfaction, particularly for web developers, and how the MDN Web Developer Needs Assessment has influenced Chrome's web platform priorities for 2020. My hypothesis is that improving the web platform will lead to increased developer satisfaction, more content creation, and happier end-users. Based on the MDN survey data, key areas for improvement include browser compatibility, testing, documentation, debugging, framework integration, and privacy & security. Chrome is committed to working with the web ecosystem to address these challenges and increase developer productivity and satisfaction. We'll share more specific plans in the coming weeks and welcome your feedback on these focus areas and how Chrome can better engage with the developer community.