Google Search: ebay api soap wsdl [part deux]

Just following on from one of my previous post about using SOAP requests from ASP.Net to access Ebay.

I have finally worked out [it wasn't hard in the end] how to do it.

A few things that I had problems with were:

The Code Follows:

Ebay.eBayAPIInterfaceService service = new Ebay.eBayAPIInterfaceService();string appId = "APPID"; // use your app IDstring devId = "DEVID"; // use your dev IDstring certId = "CERTID"; // use your cert IDstring endpoint = "";string callName = "GetSearchResults";string siteId = "0";

string version = "437";// Build the request URLstring requestURL = endpoint+ "?callname=" + callName+ "&siteid=" + siteId+ "&appid=" + appId+ "&version=" + version+ "&routing=default";// Create the service

// Assign the request URL to the service locator.service.Url = requestURL; //"";// Set credentialsservice.RequesterCredentials = new Ebay.CustomSecurityHeaderType();

service.RequesterCredentials.eBayAuthToken = "MY_TOKEN"; // use your tokenservice.RequesterCredentials.Credentials = new Ebay.UserIdPasswordType();

service.RequesterCredentials.Credentials.AppId = appId;service.RequesterCredentials.Credentials.DevId = devId;service.RequesterCredentials.Credentials.AuthCert = certId;

Ebay.GetSearchResultsRequestType req = new Ebay.GetSearchResultsRequestType();

req.Query = "SSX";req.DetailLevel = new[1];req.DetailLevel[0] = Ebay.DetailLevelCodeType.ReturnAll;

req.Version = version;

Ebay.GetSearchResultsResponseType resp = service.GetSearchResults(req);//Do some more stuff

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