
I am Paul Kinlan.

A Developer Advocate for Chrome and the Open Web at Google.

I love the web. The web should allow anyone to access any experience that they need without the need for native install or content walled garden.

So what is happening with Web Intents?

Paul Kinlan

I've been working on Web Intents, a project to simplify client-to-client service discovery and communication on the web using technologies like IFrames and SharedWorkers. It addresses the current issue of apps needing to integrate with third-party services, which restricts user choices. However, I recently discovered a similar project, Web Introducer, also by a Googler. It tackles the same problems with more in-depth security considerations. So, I'll be shifting my focus to contribute to Web Introducer. Web Intents remains a valuable example of using SharedWorkers and messaging effectively within web apps. More on Web Introducer and SharedWorkers coming soon!

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I've seen the future of the web. It's in the background

Paul Kinlan

Hey everyone, I've been playing with the dev channel of Chrome and discovered something huge: background pages for web apps! This means your web app can now run even when the browser is closed, or even after system start-up. It's crazy powerful. You enable this by adding the "background" permission to your app manifest and then using a simple window.open() call with a special third parameter. The background page's state can be toggled with window.close(). Communication between the background page and your app is done using SharedWorkers. Oh, and Appmator now supports this too!

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