This post introduces a ReSharper Live Template to expedite creating default constructors in C#. The template, activated by typing "dc", automatically inserts a public default constructor for the containing class, saving developers keystrokes and time. An example demonstrates its usage.
In a previous post, I discussed the scarcity of ReSharper plugins and sample code. I'm happy to announce that JetBrains has launched a new resource page dedicated to ReSharper Plugin Development. This page provides guides and sample code to help you create your own plugins. You'll need ReSharper 2.5 or later, which is a free upgrade for existing users.
I'm searching for plugins created using JetBrains OpenAPI for ReSharper 2.0+, but they're proving difficult to find. The only one I've encountered is mentioned in a blog post, and it doesn't seem to have been officially released. I have some plugin ideas of my own, but the available documentation and examples aren't very helpful.