
I am Paul Kinlan.

A Developer Advocate for Chrome and the Open Web at Google.

I love the web. The web should allow anyone to access any experience that they need without the need for native install or content walled garden.

Yahoo Term Extraction

Paul Kinlan

I'm exploring how to improve the relevance of Yahoo Term Extraction API results. My initial question to Yahoo revealed that their system uses a semantic network to relate words and phrases. I'm experimenting with a two-step process: first, extract terms without a query to identify the most relevant term, and second, use that term as a query in a second extraction to refine the results. This might improve relevance, though it doubles the number of API calls. I plan to test this in my DeliTag and AjaxTag applications.

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Update to DeliTag

Paul Kinlan

I've updated DeliTag. Currently, it only supports Del.icio.us integration with Firefox. To enable broader compatibility, I'm actively seeking proxy scripts for SIMPY and SHADOWS.

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DeliTag Now Does SIMPY and SHADOWS

Paul Kinlan

I've updated DeliTag to support uploading tags to SIMPY and Shadows. SIMPY works great! I had some initial trouble creating a Shadows account due to CAPTCHA issues, but I eventually got an account confirmation email, even though I haven't successfully completed CAPTCHA verification yet.

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My Site and The Anti-Phishing Feature

Paul Kinlan

My site, DeliTag, is being flagged as suspicious by IE7, likely due to the username and password fields for Delicious. I've created a privacy statement to address concerns about how this information is used. In short, the credentials are passed directly to Delicious without any further processing. The transmission is unsecured, mirroring Delicious's own security. The privacy statement at http://www.kinlan.co.uk/Deli/DeliPrivacy.htm offers more details. Please contact me with any questions.

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RE: Del.icio.us A Like?

Paul Kinlan

I'm searching for social bookmarking services similar to Del.icio.us for integration with my AJAX-based DeliTag. This would allow uploading tags to multiple services simultaneously. So far, I've found Shadows, Simpy, Del.icio.us, and BlinkList (though the latter seems to be down). Any other suggestions are welcome!

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I am going to put DeliTag on the main page

Paul Kinlan

I'm excited to announce that DeliTag will be featured on the main page to increase visibility and usage. It will also be available on Tagger.Kinlan.co.uk. As a reminder, DeliTag is an AJAX-based mashup of Yahoo and Del.icio.us, allowing users to generate and post tags to Del.icio.us based on page content.

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Further update to my AJAX Application DeliTag

Paul Kinlan

I've updated my AJAX application, DeliTag (The Delicious Tag Poster)! Now, when you select text within the IFRAME, the application will analyze only the selected text instead of the entire page. This makes tagging much more precise.

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