
I am Paul Kinlan.

A Developer Advocate for Chrome and the Open Web at Google.

I love the web. The web should allow anyone to access any experience that they need without the need for native install or content walled garden.

Bookmarklet: Eyedropper

Paul Kinlan

I was reading Stefan Judis's awesome "Web Weekly" and in this weeks post he mentioned the EyeDropper API in Chromium Desktop browsers only - I totally missed this and because I frequently have to grab color information for slide design I need something quick to hand. Bookmarklets are quick to hand, so I built one for you. const e = new EyeDropper(); e.open().then(d => { alert(d.sRGBHex); }).catch(console.error) EyeDropper <— Just drag this to your bookmark bar.

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Bookmarklet to download all images on a page with the File System API

Paul Kinlan

My daughter is attending nursery school and every day they post photos of the baby to a special portal so we can see what she has been doing. The web site, is, err, well... functional. However they block the ability to download the photos in their UI, I've no clue why, but it's super frustrating. I love Bookmarklet because they let me quickly augment a site without having to build a full extension, and this is no exception.

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Quick Console bookmarklet for Desktop and Mobile

Paul Kinlan

Sometimes when I am on my mobile, I just want quick access to the JS console so that I can see what is going on inside the web page: Does the page have any logs, warnings or errors etc; without having to plug my phone into a laptop and hooking up to Chrome DevTools. I really wish you could use DevTools more easily on a mobile device. That being said, I have a partial solution that solves my problem.

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Use Bookmarklets on Chrome on Android

Paul Kinlan

I love Bookmarklets, they let you quickly customise web sites in a lighter way than a Chrome extension, and for the longest time (5 years), I thought it wasn't possible to run Bookmarklets on Chrome on Android. It turns out, I was wrong. You just can't run them the traditional way. The way that most people access Bookmarks on Android doesn't let you run a Bookmarklet, i.e, via "Select Bookmarks" in the main menu;

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Quick Picture in Picture Bookmarklet

Paul Kinlan

Picture in Picture is an amazing API, it let's you keep on working in another tab but have a little playable live thumbnail of the video on the screen for you to keep up with. Yet there are a number of sites that disable the feature. I just wanted a quick and easy access button that I can press in my browser that will just PIP the video. So I made a bookmarklet.

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Scroll to text bookmarklet

Paul Kinlan

I forgot that Scroll to Text fragment was a thing that is launching soon in Chrome (81 and not 80 as mentioned in Chrome Status), until I saw this Tweet. I love this feature, it let's you link to more than just named elements. Domenic Denicola asked if there was an extension that did this. I don't think you need one, because bookmarklets are awesome and underused. I decieded that it should be pretty quick to write up a simple bookmarklet that creates a link with a scroll to text anchor that you can share with people.

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Bookmarklet: Chrome DevTools trace page

Paul Kinlan

A simple bookmarklet that will performance trace the current page and open in an hosted devtools instance

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Detecting critical above-the-fold CSS

Paul Kinlan

Page Speed Insights for Mobile launched the other week. It’s a tool that analyses your site in the context of a mobile device and tells you what you need to do to improve the network performance of the site. In about an hour I had taken 3 seconds off my blogs page load time by removing JS files and adding Caching (doh!) and crunching PNGs (double doh!), going from a score of about 34 to 84.

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